Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy February

Hello readers,

The crocuses are opening in the sunshine, and yet paper snowflakes on the library windows remind me of all that snow we had just a few weeks ago.

Right now at Grout we are in the midst of administering the ELPA21 test to our Emergent Bilingual students. This is going fine, and we are proud of our students.

Today, among classroom festivities for Valentine's Day, I was happy to unexpectedly host a group of 5th grade students to make cards using calligraphy pens. Special guests connected to calligraphy at Reed College were here to work with students in some of our 3-5 classrooms.

It was a nice group of students, among them some current and past Emergent Bilinguals.

Feel free to drop by 206 to ask me about the ESL program at Grout.


5th graders practice letters before making their cards.